In More Than Redemption: A Theology for Christian Counseling, Dr. Jay E. Adams commented that, to us, the word hope too often means “hope so” (as in the answer a fisherman would give to the question, “Do you think you’ll catch any?”) but Biblical hope is different. It is sure and certain because its certainty is based on the character of God and not on chance or our ability to make it come to pass. It is in this sense that HOPE PRISON MINISTRIES offers the hope of the gospel to the inmates to whom God has called us to minister. It is a hope not based on their ability to never sin again but on God’s promise that where sin has abounded, grace will abound much more (Romans 5:20). It is a hope based on more than just being saved from judgment and the flames of hell; this hope transforms lives from the worst of sinners into saints that love and serve God and His people. The outcome is certain because it is based on God’s Word and faithfulness, not us.