Its Board

/Its Board
Its Board 2024-05-23T17:57:08-05:00

Chandler Fozard, president

In 1992, Chandler was sentenced to 10 years in prison and 5 years suspended with probation to run consecutively.  With “good time,” he discharged his incarceration sentence in December 1996.  He was removed from supervised parole only two years after his release and his suspended sentence was complete in December 2001.  Today, by the grace of God alone, he is a husband, father, grandfather, author and teacher of the same truth that continues to change his life, and a mentor to many.  He is a licensed life and health insurance agent and a professional truck driver.  As a passionate, lifelong student of Biblical counseling, he is also a former member of the Association of Biblical Counselors (  Chandler is married to Barbara and they live in Fort Worth with their son, Brandon, a graduate of New Saint Andrews college ( who is pursuing his own independent studies in Biblical counseling through the Association of Biblical Counselors.

Brandon Matthews, vice-president

Brandon Matthews is a graduate of New Saint Andrews College (Moscow, ID).  He is passionate about one thing above all else: knowing his God and savior, Jesus Christ!  He knows first hand the blessing of prison ministry!  Unlike the rest of the men on this page, however, his knowledge did not come from being in jail or prison, never so much as having received a speeding ticket!  In the words of an old Stephen Curtis Chapman song, “I was 8 years old when I decided to follow Jesus.”  Or, as he said it then to his mom, he was “E-I-G-H-T.”  That was the year he met a man who explained the gospel to him in terms so simple even an 8 year old understood, the year he accepted Jesus.  A year later, that man became his stepdad, Chandler.  Brandon’s been passionate about the gospel ever since.  Once, when someone asked Chandler how many times he would forgive those who seem to keep using the ministry and asking forgiveness over and over, Chandler said, 70 x 7, as many times as it takes.  Brandon, thoughtfully added, the gospel “demands my life, my soul, all.”

Jason Rodrigue, executive director / treasurer

Jason Rodrigue brings with him over 14 years of Accounting experience, including 8 years of teaching experience at prestigious universities such as Southern Methodist University, LSU and University of Texas at Dallas. Previously he was licensed as a CPA in the state of Texas from 2011 through 2016 and was an International Tax Manager with IBM Cloud. He graduated from the University of Texas at Dallas with a Master’s degree in Accountancy and from Nicholls State University where he earned an MBA and bachelor’s degrees in both Accounting and Economics. He has published academic research articles in The Journal of Forensic Accounting and Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly.  Mr. Rodrigue also tutored on the topics of Management Accounting and Finance to corporate executives enrolled in SMU’s prestigious Executive MBA program, and he taught professional seminars to business owners on such topics as QuickBooks, small business management and tax planning as part of UT Dallas’ Executive Education program.

Barbara Fozard, secretary

Barbara began serving as the board’s secretary in 2014. She has previously been employed as an administrative assistant, proof reader and her typing has been recorded as reaching speeds of more than 100+ wpm! But more than her skills as an administrator, she uses her greatest, God-given gifts of mercy and kindness toward the men and women we’ve hosted in our halfway house over the years by preparing and serving meals to them, hosting them in our home and often assisting with their transportation needs. After one Thanksgiving dinner she prepared, one man remarked, “You know, Chandler, I’m 47 years old and that’s the first time I’ve ever been around a table that prayed before they ate.”

Fred Mesch, member

Fred Mesch

Fred Mesch is a CPA and Registered Investment Advisor who has been guiding clients in his own Fort Worth practice for most of his career.  He has been highly involved in ministry to the incarcerated by teaching a weekly class at the Tarrant County Jail (Green Bay Facility) through Turnkey Outreach.  It was in this context Fred saw the need for aftercare and, through an article in the Fort Worth Star Telegram, God led him to Hope Prison Ministries.  Fred joined the board of Hope Prison Ministries in December 2023.  He uses his professional background and skills to help formerly incarcerated men make smart, informed choices as they attempt to rebuild their personal and financial lives, inspired by his faith and a desire to use his own talents and resources.  CLICK to watch what Fred has to say about Hope Prison Ministries.

Ronny Mares, member

Ronny Mares

Ronny Mares attended services led by Hope Prison Ministries while he was incarcerated.  He applied to come under care of the ministry after his release and, based upon recommendations from those who knew him best, inside and out, the ministry accepted him.  More than perhaps anyone else in our program, Ronny’s winsome personality endears him to all who know him.  Ronny personifies the Scripture which states that servants of the Lord must be not be quarrelsome, kind to everyone, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition.  Ronny currently lives in Fort Worth with his lovely wife, Vanessa.  (Chandler had the distinct honor of marrying them!)

Charlie Holmes, member

Charlie Holmes

Charlie Holmes earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Religion from Wayland Baptist University at their extension campus in Anchorage Alaska back in 2001 but did not go into ministry with that degree. He moved to New Orleans and took one year of classes at that Seminary before dropping out because of struggles with sin. About a year later he committed the crime for which he served six years in prison, but he wouldn’t actually go to prison for many years yet. Hurricane Katrina drove him back to Texas where he took enough classes to have earned a Master of Arts in Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, but was determined to go for the higher degree instead. God had other things in mind. During this time he struggled intensely over his past sin and the guilt and shame that came with it. Also it was during this time that God opened his heart to the Doctrines of Grace. He began working at Insight for Living and Preaching on the weekend at a Nursing Home. He met his wife and had two sons, before God Sovereignly decided it was time for him to serve a prison sentence for his crime. Six years later he returned to serve out his post release supervision. He is now serving at Hope Prison Ministries while God is reconciling him to his wife and kids.

Advisory – Dr. Jeremy Lelek, counseling

Jeremy Lelek, Ph.D, earned his bachelor in psychology from Liberty University, his Masters in Counseling from Amberton University, and completed his doctorate in Counseling Education and Supervision through Regent University.  He is a Licensed Professional Counselor in the State of Texas since 1999, the president of The Association of Biblical Counselors ( and the founder of Metroplex Counseling ( through which he somehow still manages to maintain a vigorous counseling practice and to oversee others in the field.

Advisory – Stephen Arnold, marketing

Stephen Arnold

Stephen Arnold founded Stephen Arnold Music in 1993 and served as president of the company until 2022. Stephen, who is often referred to as “the most-heard, least-known composer in the world,” was an early leader in Sonic Branding – blending original music compositions with unique tones and sounds to create distinct auditory signatures or logos.  (CLICK HERE to hear the sonic logo ad Stephen Arnold Music created for us–When you Give Hope, HOPE Gives Back!)  He and his handpicked team created numerous award-winning musical compositions for high-profile clients, including CNN, ABC News, CBS, The Weather Channel, CNN Headline News, National Geographic Channel, FOX, HBO, Time-Warner, Golf Channel, ESPN, as well as major advertisers like McDonald’s, Honda, Pizza Hut, Hershey and Kodak. Stephen also created sonic brands for many international clients, including Al Jazeera, Kuwait TV, India TV, TRK Ukraine, GSP Romania, Info TV (Slovenia), and Azteca TV (Mexico).

Advisory – Dr. Mike Albritton, curriculum

“Love Karen, Serve Kids.”  So declares the coffee cup with a broken handle and chunk missing from the rim. “It doesn’t hold coffee quite like before I messed it up, but sitting near the coffee pot, I find all I need and plenty to share.” Dr. Albritton shares his experience as a teacher, principal, nonprofit executive director and organizational consultant. With degrees in economics and educational administration from Yale University, Trinity of San Antonio, and the University of North Carolina, Dr. Albritton is quick to credit his professors and colleagues with the successes he has had in program design, professional development, and outcomes evaluation. As a principal, Mike led a team that closed the achievement gap between advantaged and disadvantaged children, and majority and minority students. As a consultant Mike has led professional development for prep schools domestically and abroad. A lifelong Christian, Mike has served continuously in youth ministries in the Episcopal Church since he was skinny and had brown hair – a long time! A partner in his family’s businesses before being an educator, Mike deeply understands stewardship and return on investment, in things both financial and heavenly. “Hope Prison Ministries is at its core a learning enterprise. We want participants to learn that God loves them, and we want them to learn to build healthy, whole lives in light of that love after prison.” As an Advisory Board member, Dr. Albritton splits his time between mentoring individual participants and helping the organization learn to do its work better. “It’s funny. I started with Hope Prison Ministries because my wife thought they could use my help. As it turns out, through joining the Hope community, God is allowing me to become my best self through serving brothers building new lives.”