
Housing 2019-03-27T23:51:22-05:00

Hope Prison Ministries is able to assist you in locating transitional housing for your loved one, regardless of their offense.  Please visit www.HopeAfterPrison.com to learn more.

Here’s how you, your business or church can help:

  • Adopt A Man, Change A Life, Leave A Legacy Sponsorship – CLICK HERE to download this packet for consideration.

  • Volunteers are needed to facilitate daily classes, education and job search related activities

  • Transportation assistance is needed to ensure men are able to make scheduled appointments

  • Volunteers are needed to provide life skills training—how to cook, clean, do laundry, use a computer and the related software

  • Mentors are needed to befriend the men, take them on outings, invite them into their home to model Christian family living

The following are urgently needed items:

  • Large SUV, suburban or mini-van

  • Groceries, hygiene supplies, paper goods (plates, towels, toilet paper)

For additional information, comments or questions, please call Chandler Fozard at (817) 323-7686 or email him.