
Aftercare 2019-07-21T11:04:27-05:00

Hope Prison Ministries is able to assist you in finding transitional housing for your loved one, to connect them with a local church, to provide remote aftercare mentoring and even provides full-service aftercare in its own transitional living home, HOPE’s House.  If you or someone you know are interested in coming under the care of Hope Prison Ministries Aftercare and Mentoring Program, please CLICK HERE to visit to learn more.

CLICK HERE to download the application for our Mentoring and Aftercare Program.

Most people think of prison ministries as just going into the prisons and teaching.  But the real work, the costly, time consuming work, begins after an offender is released. Following are the most common challenges faced by those who are coming home after having been through addiction rehabilitation or prison:

  • Housing
  • Groceries and Hygeine
  • Clothing
  • Transportation
  • Obtaining Valid Identification
  • Employment
  • Countless, mandated orientations and classes (AA, NA, Sex-Offender Treatment Program, etc.)
  • Establishing new relationships

The value of having someone who is familiar with these challenges, who understands the system, knows and is known by the right people cannot be underestimated. Enter Hope Prison Ministries.

LuminDeo–the award-winning, non-profit, film production organization, produced the following 7-minute short film, Convicted, which focuses on the aftercare work of Hope Prison Ministries and its founder, Chandler Fozard.

CONVICTED. from LuminDeo on Vimeo.

If you are in need of aftercare services for your adult child who is soon to be released from prison or an addiction rehabilitation facility, please visit Christ-cenetered Life Coaches at to learn more about our aftercare services.